Our aim is to teach pupils about the world around them in an engaging way, using the local area, maps, technology and information texts to develop pupil’s knowledge of; location, places, human and physical geography and geographical skills and field work.
The National curriculum states that:
Pupils should develop knowledge about the world, the United Kingdom and their locality. They should understand basic subject-specific vocabulary relating to human and physical geography and begin to use geographical skills, including first-hand observation, to enhance their locational awareness. We use the Cornerstones curriculum to inform planning and provide exciting, project based Geography lessons, such as ‘Coastline’ in Year 2, following a sequence of ‘introduce, engage, develop and innovate’. Using this curriculum as a guide ensures clear progression of knowledge and skills across all year groups.
The following documents are password protected. Please contact the school office for access.
Click here to see the skills progression map, including opportunities for challenge for EYFS and Key Stage One.
Click here to see the knowledge progression map for EYFS and Key Stage One.
Click here for the link to the Geography Programme of Study.
Click here to see how the Cornerstones projects are linked to the National Curriculum aims and objectives.